If you work in veterinary medicine, you know the struggle of constant stress, compassion fatigue, and the everyday challenges of this complex career path. The career you once dreamed of exhausts you and can negatively affect your personal life. It is time to regain your power and build the life you envisioned when you were confident and optimistic. Your incredible life in veterinary medicine is attainable if you work to take control of yourself and your mind.
You are full of love for your animal patients, but now it is time to love yourself.
In Love Your Veterinary Life, Dr. Julie Cappel, DVM, shares stories from her career and solutions for the struggles that you encounter daily in your career as a veterinary professional. These are the lessons that veterinary school should have taught you to expect. With this guide, Julie will share advice from her blog, podcast, and real-life experiences as a veterinary leader, hospital owner, and mother of two children. Work-life balance is impossible, but creating inner balance is possible and critical to loving the life you have built.
You will learn the following:
How to discover yourself and put your needs first to build a solid foundation for better mental health.
How to embrace your veterinary story and find joy and miracles daily.
How to understand your "chihuahua brain" and train it to behave.
Mindful ways of dealing with unhappy clients and team members to create more harmony in the workplace.
A better understanding of your emotions and how you have ultimate control of everything in your life.
How to work through Impostor Syndrome and realize you are not alone in feeling it.
How to design your self-care routine to build mental muscle, allowing you to become more resilient to change.
How to integrate work and life to create success.